
Read the Halloween story below. Use the clues and deductive reasoning to solve the Halloween Logic game. Aaron, Johnny and Matt were planning their outing for Halloween night and it was decided that each boy would dress in a different costume.  After they had made their choices about what to wear, they thought it might be a… Read More Logic

Balance and Motion Connect to Art

Second grade classes will gain a better understanding of balance and motion as they explore the function and form of levers together with the work of Alex Calder. Viewing mobiles created by sculptor Alexander Calder, students will learn about mobiles and experiment with balancing levers and equilibrium.  Students will then design and create a simplified 3D printed piece using Tinkercad.… Read More Balance and Motion Connect to Art

Tower of Books Library Challenge

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students, I discovered a reading activity created by Michael Friermood called the “Tower of Books” which I am modifying for our use during the next eight weeks in order to motivate students to explore the vast selection of books available in the William O. Schaefer Library Media Center. The “Tower of Books” Library Challenge will begin… Read More Tower of Books Library Challenge