Ground Hog Day

Groundhog Day is held on February 2, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania every year, and you might be wondering how a groundhog landed the job of predicting the weather. If you’re unfamiliar with the tradition, it goes like this: If the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, we’re stuck with six more weeks of winter.

download (15)Read: Groundhog day by Gail Gibbons

Every February 2, people all across the country wonder about the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. Will he see his shadow on that day or won’t he? Will spring come early or late? Here is information about Groundhog Day, its origins, and the animal at the center of this delightful annual event.

Have you ever read a book and guessed the ending? Have you ever watched a movie and have known what was going to happen next? If you did, you were making predictions. You can use clues from a story together with what you know from your own experiences, to figure out what will happen next.Β Practice making predictions by clicking here.

Explore and play “Shadow Tag”. You can find the directions for “Shadow Tag” here.

Listen and watch “Shadow Puppet” stories like this one titled, the Three Little Piggies, then create your own “Shadow Puppet” story.

Watch this “Hand Shadows” video and then try to create your own “Hand Shadows”!

“Hand Shadow” tutorial.

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