How Books are Brought to Children Around the World

download (20)As part of a fundraiser,  the SOCES PTA asked for  “Precious Moment” teacher donations to be raffled at “Ladies Night Out”. I donated stories about libraries for six friends. This week, Tuesday, June 11, 2019,  I will meet with James and friends to share the book titled, Biblioburro: a true story from Columbia.

Although not all of you will be James and me,  I highly recommend reading this book.

This is a story about Luis Soriano. Luis loves to read, but soon his house in Colombia is so full of books there’s barely room for the family. What to do? Then he comes up with the perfect solution–a traveling library! He buys two donkeys–Alfa and Beto–and travels with them throughout the land, bringing books and reading to the children in faraway villages.

Students will explore the use of primary sources. A primary source will provide firsthand evidence related to the story.  Primary sources provide the original materials on which other research is based and enable students to get as close as possible to what actually happened during a particular event or time period. 

Students will observe, reflect and question.

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Below is a YouTube video with more information about Luis Soriano and the Biblio Burro:

61sh7Ej9qRL._SX430_BO1,204,203,200_Inspired by the heroic efforts of real-life librarian Luis Soriano, award-winning picture book creators Monica Brown and John Parra introduce readers to the mobile library that journeys over mountains and through valleys to bring literacy and culture to rural Colombia, and to the children who wait for the BiblioBurro.

Ana loves stories. She often makes them up to help her little brother fall asleep. But in her small village there are only a few books and she has read them all. One morning, Ana wakes up to the clip-clop of hooves, and there before her, is the most wonderful sight: a traveling library resting on the backs of two burros‑all the books a little girl could dream of, with enough stories to encourage her to create one of her own.

Enjoy the watching, A Visit From Biblioburro below.

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