“Hello Sun! Hello Earth! Hello Rain! Hello Wind! Hello Ocean! Hello Wind! Hello Rain! Hello Earth! Hello Sun!”
The Earth Kids Club was formed to promote and teach into environmental change and making a difference with students at William O. Schaefer. This week the Earth Kids will discuss and promote a “Waste-Free Lunch” for April 15-April 19.
A waste-free lunch program is a process of educating students, parents, and school staff about where our trash ends up and how we, as individuals, can reduce the amount of trash we generate. Waste-free lunch programs favor the use of reusable food containers, drink containers, utensils, and napkins. They discourage the use of disposable packaging, such as prepackaged foods, plastic bags, juiceboxes and pouches, paper napkins, and disposable utensils.
Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and occurs each year on April 22nd. Many organizations celebrate Earth Day by picking up trash onthe roadside, cleaning up vacant lots, cleaning the banks of lakes and rivers, and making sure that beaches and parks are free from litter and debris.
Next week, the Earth Kids will join in this effort by cleaning up the William O. Schaefer Nature Trail behind our school.