Plan, Do, Review

The Super 3 is an information problem solving model for young children based on the Big 6. The Super 3 gives young students a process for tackling both school and everyday tasks with the three simple steps:
1. Plan
What am I supposed to do?
What do I need to get the job done?
What do I want it to look like when I’m done?


2. Do

I must locate the things I will need (books, websites, materials etc.).
I need to ask questions, read, and take notes.
I need to use the information I find to create something.


3. Review
Did I do what I was supposed to do?
Am I proud of what I’ve done?
Is there something else I should do before I say I am done?


The video below explains dinosaurs. After watching this video you may “wonder” more about dinosaurs.

Using the Super 3, second grade students will select and research a dinosaur of choice. You will learn about one dinosaur and the time period in which it lived. The research must include: facts from the library’s print resources, on-line resources as well as what sources were used.

The final product will be a trading card containing the dinosaur facts which will be shared with other second grade students!

Step One: PLANasaurus (get it?) defines the problem and decides what he needs to know and do when he finishes. He decides where to look to find the information he needs and what a good job looks like when he is done.

For example, “Which dinosaur do I want to learn more about?” , “Where are the non-fiction dinosaur books located in the library?”

Not sure which dinosaur to choose? Watch the Dino Dan’s dinosaur promotions.

For other clips, click on the dinosaur of your choice in the playlist to the right of the video.

More Dino Adventures

Step Two: DOasaurus reads, listens, looks, touches, tastes, or smells for the information and takes out the information needed to complete the task. Use the SUPER3 DO to help you stay organized.

Now that you have selected the dinosaur you want to learn more about, you will need a print resource and an online resource about that specific dinosaur. For example, “What is the dinosaur’s name?”,”What does it mean?”, “How long is the dinosaur?”,  “What does it eat?Describe his teeth.”,”Does the dinosaur walk? Fly?”,  “What is most interesting about the dinosaur?”

Get Started: 

The nonfiction dinosaur books can be found @560. You will need to read the spines of the book titles to find the exact dinosaur you are researching.

Use National Geographic Kids as one of  your online resources. Click this link to go directly to the National Geographic Kids website. Watch the screencast below to learn how to maneuver the website.

Use Pebble Go as one of  your online resources. Click this link to go directly to the Pebble Go website. Use this username and password to log in: wos/school

Watch the screencast below to learn how to maneuver the website.


Screenshot 2016-06-30 at 12.44.44 PMCreate your trading card.

Click here to get the template. It will populate into your google drive.




Step ThreeREVIEWasaurus judges the results. Use these questions to help you review, SUPER3 REVIEW

Dinosaur Research Rubric

Novice Practitioner Expert
Information Information  used was from less than 1 print (book) and less than 1 online (pebblego) resource. Information used was from 1 or more print (books) and 1  online (pebblego) resource. Information used was from 2 or more print (books) and 2 or more online (pebblego and national geographic) resources.
Citation Sources 0-1 sources (information) are documented on the “Do” worksheet. 2-1 sources (information) are documented on the“Do” worksheet.  All sources (information and graphic) are accurately documented”Do” worksheet.
Spelling and Punctuation  No edits were made.  One or two spelling and punctuation mistakes. All spelling and punctuation are correct.


Additional Resources:


At home, create a 3D model of the dinosaur you researched to be displayed in the library. The model can be made with paper, plastic, clay..the sky’s the limit!

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