Every Picture Tells a Story


This photograph, taken by Lewis Hine, of Addie Card, age 12, inspired author Elizabeth Winthrop to write the book titled, Counting on Grace.

519vvcw-3OL._SX338_BO1,204,203,200_ Counting on Grace is about 12 year old  Grace and her best friend Arthur must leave school and go to work as a “doffers” on their mothers’ looms in the mill. Grace’s mother is the best worker, fast and powerful, and Grace desperately wants to help her. But she’s left handed and doffing is a right-handed job. Grace’s every mistake costs her mother, and the family. She only feels capable on Sundays, when she and Arthur receive special lessons from their teacher. Together they write a secret letter to the Child Labor Board about underage children working in Pownal. A few weeks later a man with a camera shows up. It is the famous reformer Lewis Hine, undercover, collecting evidence for the Child Labor Board. Grace’s brief acquaintance with Hine and the photos he takes of her are a gift that changes her sense of herself, her future, and her family’s future.

03633vAnalyze the Lewis Hine photograph and use your observations to produce a creative writing piece. Analyze the photograph alone or with a partner and then use the bibliographic information to answer confirm and answer any of your initial questions. Using your observations and imaginations, create comic strips using Make Beliefs Comix that describes what you think happened just before and just after this photograph was taken. If you do not remember how to use Make Beliefs Comix click here to watch the how to video. 

About Lewis Hine

Lewis Hine was hired in 1908 as an investigator and photographer for the National Child Labor Committee, a private organization founded in New York City in 1904. Hine traveled the country for 10 years and took over 5,000 pictures of child laborers, and in most cases, recorded the names and ages of the children. His work contributed immeasurably to the growing movement to establish effective laws to limit child labor.Stop Child Labor

Child servitude is a crime committed against 168 million children worldwide. Stand With Sanju demonstrates what an important role consumers play in making a difference. By using a rigorous and internationally recognized certification program, GoodWeave certifies carpet supply chains as being free of child labor. Additionally, they provide support for children like Sanju who have been rescued.

With your help, we can end child labor by 2020. Be a part of the movement. Take action now. #StandWithSanju
How can you help spread the word about child labor? What will you do to make a difference?

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