NY Times Vocabulary Video Contest

The New York Times publishes a Word of the Day every school day since last year.   Followers also participated in their first Vocabulary Video Contest. This year they're hosting the Second Annual Vocabulary Video Contest. Participants create a short video that defines or teaches any of the words in their 1,200 words strong collection.

1. You must be 13 to 19 years old. (*Keep reading!)
2. Deadline is Nov. 11 at 7 a.m. Eastern to do it.
3. In case you have an older sibling, here are all the rules and regulations.

Some inspiration from past winners, are below.

Why should your age stop you from being creative.

Let's "Use your imagination. You can act the word out, animate it, use puppets, draw, sing a song, create a dance, incorporate photographs, create a Claymation, or anything else that will help viewers understand and learn your word." too!

Select any word from 4th or 5th grade lists and follow the same guidelines as the NY Times, but post the link to this blog page instead.

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