Seneca Falls Convention 1848

seneca falsl

View this primary source: An artist's drawing of the Seneca Falls Convention on Women's Rights held in 1848. Then respond to the prompts below:

1. How are the women portrayed (shown) in this illustration? What is their body language telling you?


2. What do you notice about the men in this cartoon?


3. Based upon what you see do you think the artist was for or against women's rights?

3 thoughts on “Seneca Falls Convention 1848

  1. 1) The women are shown that they are giving speeches and the people at the top are chanting for something.

    2) I noticed that the men are not as happy with the women and they look kind of mad.

    3) I think the artist was for womens rights because there are a lot more women.

  2. 1) the women in the picture are shown very happy and they are giving speeches and it looks like they are dressed very well so they probably think that the convention is a big deal.

    2) In the cartoon it shows that the men are not really paying attention and there are not a lot of them there.

    3) I think that the artist was for womens rights because if he/she was against it they probably would not draw a picture about it and the picture shows that there were a lot of people there so  that shows you that many of them are for womens rights.

  3. 1 – The women are shown very interested in what the other woman has to say.

    2 – The men are shown very angerly.

    3 – I think that the artist was for womens rights.

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