Day One:
In 2009, over 13 percent of Maine high school students reported that they had been forced to have sexual contact in their lifetime (18 percent of females, 9 percent of males). Fifteen percent do not agree with the statement "I feel safe at my school." Over 10 percent report having been harassed or attacked at school because of their perceived masculinity or femininity.
Almost 20 percent (24 percent of females, 15 percent of males) have been the target or offensive sexual comments at school or on the way to or from school.
The website, Backbone Zone, showcases a poster collection which teaches that words have an impact even if YOU don’t see. Create a poster similar to those showcased the Backbone Zone website. Make a Difference. Challenge hurtful language that is currently used. Choose different words. Support people who are being harassed. Violent words support violent behavior.
School climate plays a crucial role in students' safety and their ability to learn effectively. The good news is that there are steps that we can take to improve school climate and reduce gender stereotypes and gender-based violence.
Everybody has a backbone use yours.
Unfortunately, there have been too many recent events that demonstrate the need to improve the world climate.
- Gays Can't be excluded for juries because they are gay, U.S. Court Rules,
- Ugandan president signs anti-gay law
- Ugandan tabloid prints list of "homosexuals"
- Arizona Governor Jan Brewster vetoes devisive bill seen as anti-gay
Day Two:
Today will use Google Presentations to create a poster using homonyms that connote inappropraite,sexist or homophobic language. Remember the reason for our posters is to encourage others to choose different words and give them skills to be active bystanders when they hear inappropraite,sexist or homophobic language. This is the beginning a a step that each one of us can take to end gender-stereo types and help sexual violence.
"Realize WORDS have an impact even if you don't always see it. Together let's change the culture. "
Name your document " Word: Lastname period" . Share your poster with