Beyond the Bubble
The Stanford History Education Group is an award-winning research and development group that seeks to improve education by conducting research, working with school districts, and reaching directly into classrooms...
@NYTimes Student Podcast Contest
This contest is open to all students ages 10-19 in middle school or high school. @NYtimes will have two categories of winners this year. And, making a podcast from home can...
Shakespeare #Swagpeare
Not too long ago the word “Swagger” echoed in the hallways of many a secondary school and was an extremely familiar term to anyone who listened to popular hip-hop...
Be Sure to Evaluate Your Resources
Information is immediately accessible today, thanks to the range of websites, news resources, and social media platforms available to students. This means it’s more important than ever to evaluate...
Visual Literacy
School librarians everywhere have tirelessly ravaged the internet looking for free ebooks, audible books and pdf’s to support their teachers and curriculum. Teachers and students have spent endless hours...
@TZHSLibrary Book Spine Poetry
National Poetry Month, which takes place each April, is a celebration of poetry! This celebration was introduced in 1996 and organized by the Academy of American Poets as a...
30 Day CodeAcademy Challenge
Codecademy is an education company. But not one in the way you might think. Codeacademy is committed to creating an online learning experience of the future. Watch the video...
Not a numbers person? Perfect! This game doesn’t really involve numbers. In fact, the boxes could just as easily be filled with letters of the alphabet, shapes or even...