TZHS Announcements

Daily Announcements

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Day 4

Leo Club Meeting: Thursday, 1/4 after school in Room C-3.

Robotics Club Meeting: Friday, 1/5 after school in Room 308.

Spanish Club Meeting: Tuesday, 1/9 @ 3:05 in Room C-7. We will be making tacos.

Cooking Club: Sign up for our soup session on Tuesday, 1/9 in Room 411 this week.

You must sign up to participate next week.

PE Make-ups for the 2nd Quarter will run from 1/8–1/19.

See or email Coach Donovan to sign up.

History Honor Society: All National History Day Projects are due in to Mr. Robertson by Friday, January 19th. Failure to submit these projects will result in expulsion from the History Honor Society.

Spring Musical: Anyone interested in playing in the pit of the spring musical, please know that the first meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 10th. This is a change. See sign-up sheet outside the orchestra room.

Baseball Meeting: Tuesday, 1/9 after school in the cafeteria for anyone planning to try out for the varsity or junior varsity baseball teams this year. See Coach Stanford in Room 312 if you have any questions.

Driver’s Ed: The application for the Spring Driver’s Ed class is available in the Counseling Department. Please mail application and fee as soon as possible to address on the application. Space is limited to 60 students. Mandatory meeting for students and parents is on January 18 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Must have learner’s permit to take the course.

PTSA Meeting: The PTSA meeting scheduled for Thursday, 1/4/18 has been CANCELLED.

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