Yesterday, proceeds from the 4th Annual Two Counties, One Cause High School Basketball tournament at Tappan Zee High School were delivered to beneficiary organizations.
TZ Boys Basketball Coach George Gaine and Tappan Zee Basketball One More Club President Kerri Cunney presented donations totaling $26,460 to Julie Pantoliano of the Children’s Tumor Foundation Classrooms that Care Program to raise awareness and fund research to find a cure for Neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder. Pantoliano noted that the annual tournament has raised more than $70,000 for CTF since its inception.
In addition to monetary donations, tournament fans contributed 178 pairs of gloves and over 100 gift cards for grocery, drug and clothing stores, restaurants to aid the District’s Family Engagement Center in supporting local families in need. Gaine, TZHS Citizen Leaders teacher Andy DiDomenico, junior Grace L. and Director of Physical Education, Health and Athletics Bill Pilla delivered the gloves and gift cards to Family Engagement Center Coordinator AJ Walker. “This is incredible,” Walker said.
Thank you to all the coaches, athletes, local businesses and community members for so generously supporting this extraordinary event!
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