Extracurricular Code of Conduct
Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege and carries with it certain responsibilities. Participants represent Tappan Zee High School, and they should demonstrate pride and respect for our school. Participants should model citizenship and follow the district’s Code of Conduct, both in school-related activities and outside of school throughout the school year. Each extracurricular activity and club may have more specific guidelines to supplement the district’s Code. Student violations of this code will be subject to review.
Participation in any extracurricular program requires a time commitment. If a student cannot make the full commitment or decides to withdraw from the program, he or she should discuss the situation with the faculty advisor(s).
Students are expected to have strong school and class attendance. In order to participate in after school activities, nine-period attendance is expected.
Students with two or more unexcused class absences within any one quarter will be placed on probation. Five or more class cuts during the quarter will result in ineligibility from participation in extracurricular activities for two weeks. Continued unexcused absences may result in removal from the club.
Academic Eligibility
Participants in extracurricular programs must remember that academic studies come first. Students who are failing two or more classes will enter a probationary period of five weeks, in which they must demonstrate improved effort and/or achievement or lose the privilege of participation.
Participants are expected to follow all school rules and model good citizenship.
Any student who is suspended from school will also be ineligible to participate in any after-school activity on or off school grounds during the period of suspension. Any student who receives a disciplinary referral may be removed from any official office or leadership position within a club. Further disciplinary action may result in removal from the extracurricular program, assignment of community service or loss of other club privileges.
Appeal Procedure
Students may appeal an eligibility decision by submitting a written request to the club/activity advisor. The Eligibility Committee, comprised of an administrator, two or more teachers, and a student, will convene to review the student’s appeal.
All members in extracurricular programs are responsible for abiding by the guidelines set forth; it is expected that participants and their parents or guardians discuss these expectations and sign the notice of acknowledgement.
Clubs and activities with national governing organizations will communicate and follow those guidelines, in addition to those set forth in this document.
Honor Society Expectations
Membership in an honor society is a privilege based on criteria developed by each individual society, Honor society members must represent Tappan Zee High School with the highest levels of honor and integrity.
The following honor societies are part of the TZHS community: Computer Science Honor Society, English Honor Society, French Honor Society, History Honor Society, Italian Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Science Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society and National Honor Society.
Appeals Procedures
Students may appeal an eligibility decision and appeals will be handled according to the society guidelines and/or charter.