This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and also Nurse Appreciation Week. Our teachers and our nurses are very important to us since these individuals directly impact on the success of our students. Our mission, as a school district, is centered on our ability to promote the “Instructional Core” which is to:
- Empower students to take charge of their own learning…coming to school each day, ready-to-learn
- Ensure that all of our teachers are proficient and have the resources to be the best professionally
- Provide a meaningful curriculum that is relevant to student development and 21st Century opportunities
Teachers and school nurses play a vital role towards ensuring that our students are healthy and passionate about coming to school each day. At the very heart of our ability to serve our community is the love and concern we have for our children and their futures. That is the driving force behind all that we do and I am inspired by so many of my colleagues for their service.
So…Imagine how thrilled I was when our friends at the nearby United States Military Academy reached out to me to invite all of our teachers and staff to a football game at West Point in their honor! It’s really good to know that public service is respected and appreciated by the folks at this venerable institution where they have literally written the book (s) on selfless service. Here’s what Ms. Kristi Lawless in the Army Ticket Office wrote to us:
I am reaching out to you regarding our 2018 Teacher Appreciation Day. Last year was our first attempt at reaching out to the large community of educators and dedicating a game to them, and it turned out to be a success! We are hoping to continue to grow this event, reach more educators and support staff, and expand across larger networks this year and in years to come.
This year the game will be on September 15 vs. University of Hawaii. Kick off times are TBA, but we are estimating a 12:00 PM start. All school administrators, teachers, staff and their families will receive discounted tickets at $30 each in either the endzone or the upper deck, along with recognition of their school’s or organization’s name on the video board!
With the success from last year, we were able to include a bit more this year. The school with the largest group attending the game will be rewarded with a guest speaker from West Point to present a speech at a schoolwide assembly.
I would greatly appreciate if you could share this with your faculty and staff, as it is a great opportunity for employee bonding, and with the time of year the game is being played, it could be used as a nice kick off to the school year. We can go as simple as just tickets, or as large as a reserved tailgate spot with catering, tent rentals, etc.