Superintendent's Blog

By now, many of us who have raised our families in the South Orangetown Central School District, are familiar with the term Family Resource Center (FRC), but there may not be a common understanding as to what the FRC is.  The FRC, as it is currently configured, is primarily a resource for families who wish to transition their preschool-aged children into kindergarten.  While this is an important feature of the FRC, the SOCSD Board of Education and the admin team are committed to expanding the role of the FRC in assisting families of all of our students (from kindergarten through high school graduation).  We are seeking our community’s support in the 2018-19 budget cycle towards an enhanced FRC. These enhancements are designed to strengthen partnerships between our schools and our families.

Preparing all of our students to thrive in an increasingly complex world is the central goal of our school district.  In order for us to do this, we need a mechanism that ensures that ALL of our families are connected to the school district in terms that make sense to each individual family.  Three years ago, I was a new parent in the South Orangetown Central School District…granted, there are certain advantages to being a dad who is also the superintendent, but even I felt a level of frustration that invariably comes with the challenges of parenting.  No family should ever struggle needlessly over deciphering the language that is particular to schooling.  All families (not just the superintendent’s) should find it “equally easy” to “crack the code” of accessing the educational program of the school where their children attend – that is where the FRC plays a critical role.  In order for our FRC to be more effective, it must minimally have the following three characteristics:

  • First, and foremost, it must have an FRC Coordinator managing the FRC activities. Our FRC, as it is presently configured, does not have a dedicated FRC Coordinator. We are presently in the process of working with the Rockland BOCES towards hiring an FRC Coordinator who will be scheduled to have a presence in all of our schools, five days a week. The FRC Coordinator will coordinate with outside agencies (such as Rockland 21C, BOCES assets, mental health agencies, human service agencies, etc.) and internal resources (administrators, teachers, student services staff, etc.) to ensure that families are better able to focus on their children’s education. We will ensure that the FRC Coordinator is someone who can be counted upon to be a confidential and trusted friend to our families.
  • Next, the FRC must be located in a space where people feel comfortable and safe. As I mentioned previously, we will have scheduled time in each of our buildings during the week, but it is important to note that sometimes the best place to engage families is in their homes – especially new families who may not be familiar with our facilities. Upon request and as needed, our FRC Coordinator will make home visits whenever possible. Further, we will equip each of our FRC spaces on our campuses with computer access to assist families with any online access concerns or considerations (e.g., How do I access my child’s grades online? How do I access online curriculum maps or homework support?). Wherever the FRC is located, however, we will ensure that the environment is warm and friendly.
  • Lastly, the time that the FRC is “open for business” must be flexible in order to accommodate working families. Whether we are scheduling weekly playgroups for preschool-aged children or “parent universities” for parents of older children (on a variety of topics to include substance use, college/career readiness planning, etc.), we understand that families have busy schedules. That is why we intend to schedule opportunities for families to participate in FRC activities beyond the school day.

We will publish a schedule of FRC activities and events (both online and in print) as we get closer to the grand re-opening in September 2018.  As such, beginning in September 2018, the South Orangetown Central School District will be configured to reflect all of the above characteristics associated with enhanced staffing, space, and time.

I am confident that the newly configured FRC will better assist our families in answering the question: “How can I better understand (and foster) what my child is expected to know and be able to do by the end of the grade-level in which she or he is enrolled?” This is the central question that must be answered by every family in order that we may best prepare our students “to thrive in an increasingly complex world.” In the coming weeks, I will provide additional details about the grand re-opening of the SOCSD Family Resource Center (FRC). In the meantime, however, please remember to vote on May 15. The 2018-19 school budget will provide the resources for these FRC enhancements. Thank you in advance for your continued support and we look forward to serving our families in a way that ensures the success of every child.

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