Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 2



Save the date! SOMS Picture Day will be on Tuesday, October 20th.

SADD and SOCASA’s 7th annual 5k Run/Walk is this Saturday at SOMS. Breakfast and Tshirts will be distributed at 9am with the race beginning at 10am. Please see the district website or the main office for more information.

Reminder to all 7th grade parents – the 7th grade party schedules for October 16th has been rescheduled.

Any students interested in writing for the school newspaper, please email Mrs. DiTuri at

Any students interested in joining a Strategic Gaming Club, please see Mrs. DiTuri in room 230. Games included would be: Magic the Gathering, Yu-gi-oh, Pokémon and any other strategy based board/card games.

The first Science Olympiad Club Meeting will take place after school in room 151 after school. All officers must attend. Old and new members welcome. Please pick up a permission slip outside Mrs. Biggs’ classroom this week and bring it completed to the meeting. A list of Science Olympiad events is posted outside Mrs. Biggs’ room.

Red Cross Babysitting training course will be taking place on October 20 & 21 from 3 to 6 p.m.  Please use the applications that are available in the guidance office or on the continuing education website. Tomorrow is the deadline to register!

The next meeting of the SOMS American Idol Club will be on Wednesday October 21st.