Building Level Team (BLT)
Each school has a Building Level Team. Discussion items are chosen by each team, and include topics referred by the District Level Team. Recommendations are advisory and made by consensus.
Each BLT is comprised of: 1 parent per grade level + 1 parent at large; 1 teacher per grade level + 1 teacher at large; 1 administrator; 1 student (where appropriate); and, other members as needed and as appropriate. Parent BLT members must have child enrolled in the building they represent. Members can represent any grade level, in any combination. Parent and community member volunteers are nominated through PTA. Teacher committee members are selected by EASO.
Individual BLTs have the flexibility of determining the frequency and duration of meetings based on building needs. A quorum of at least 50% of the BLT membership with representation from each of the three constituent groups–administrators, teachers and parents–is required for each meeting.
For 2016-17 BLT meeting dates, please check the SOMS Google Calendar.
Mrs. Karen Tesik, Principal
Dr. Chad Corey, Assistant Principal
Ms. Dawn Bongiovanni, Teacher
Ms. Kelly Froio, Teacher
Ms Sara Nybro, Teacher
Mr. Michael Ryan, Special Education Co-Team Leader
Mr. Glenn Spiegelman, Teacher
Ms. Mary Ann Wood, Teacher
Ms. Karen Massaro, Parent (Grade 6)
Ms. Margaret Nelson, Parent (Grade 7)
Ms. Evan Karzhevsky, Parent (Grade 8)
Ms. Sharyn Rubino, Parent-At-Large
Ms. Claire Heatley, SOMS PTA President
September 28, 2016