SOMS Announcements

Cycle Day 2

Next week, SOMS will be participating in “No Name Calling Week.”  The project seeks to focus national attention on the problem of name-calling in schools.  Each morning, a “Thought of the Day” will be announced over the PA during homeroom.  More information will be posted on SOMS Website.

Art for Production Club meets on Tuesday January 17 in room 187.  Please plan on attending!  The Yearbook Photo will be taken during Club time.

SOMS PTA is hosting a Winter Social for all 7th and 8th Grade Students on Friday, January 20th, 7-9PM.  Permission slips and payment ($15ea) will be collected during lunch periods on 1/13, 1/17, 1/18, and 1/19.  For more info:

The next SOMS PTA Meeting is on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:30 PM at SOMS Library. Ms Landgraff and Mr McIntosh will present on “Digital Media: Staying Safe Online”. For more info:

The Italian club will be holding a toiletry drive starting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 10th through the end of the month, January 31st.  Italian club students will come to homerooms every morning to collect toiletries. At the end of the drive, the homeroom with the most items donated will win a breakfast party!   The toiletries will be collected for the homeless and needy in our community.  Below are the items needed, please bring in as many as you can, thank you!  Razors, Deodorant, Toothbrushes, Travel sized toothpaste, Travel sized Shampoo, Travel sized conditioner, Travel sized lotion , ravel sized mouthwash, Travel sized shaving cream, Underwear, Socks, Backpacks​.

The first 10 NJHS Community Service hours are due on Tuesday, January 31st.  Please hand in your hour sheets to Ms. Condon and Mrs. Fagan by January 31st.  Hours sheets are located outside Rm 237 and on the NJHS website.  If you have any questions please ask Ms. Condon or Mrs. Fagan prior to the due date.

If you are interested in learning more about: American Popular Music, The Space Station Academy (NEW!), Oceanography, the Teenage Brain, Learning to invest in the stock market, Advanced English Literature, Poetry Writing, Fantasy and Science Fiction Short Stories, Literacy Skills for the 21st Century, Web Design, Number Theory, Psychology, Sociology, Meteorology, Mythology and even more?  Registration is now open for the 2017 Spring Term for The Virtual High School (VHS)!   Our Spring Semester begins January 25, 2017.  Please contact your student’s guidance counselor or Mr. Yassky.

SOMS PTA, SOCASA, and Wellcore will co-host a Parents and Caregivers training session on Youth Mental Health on Sat., Jan 28, 2017 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM . For more complete information go to:

Thursday 1/12 Digital Media Club Room 154
Thursday 1/12 Debate Club Room 328
Thursday 1/12 Spanish Club Room 232
Thursday 1/12 Science Olympiad Room 220 Mrs. Kramarczyk
Tuesday 1/17 Robotics Club Room 154
Tuesday 1/17 Science Olympiad Room 186 Mrs. Nybro
Tuesday 1/17 Health & Fitness Room 238
Tuesday 1/17 Art for Publication Room 187 Yearbook Photo will be taken
Tuesday 1/17 GSA Club Room 329 3:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesday 1/17 Art Club Room 189 We will be working on bowls
Thursday 1/19 Science Olympiad Room 220 Mrs. Kramarczyk
Thursday 1/19 Debate Club Library
Tuesday 1/24 Scrapbooking Club Room 323 Bring adhesives and pictures
Tuesday 1/24 SADD Club Room 329 3:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesday 1/31 Health & Fitness Room 238
Tuesday 1/31 Art Club Room 189 We will be working on bowls
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