South Orangetown Middle School

Thirty-seven Tappan Zee High School ninth-graders returned to South Orangetown Middle School this morning to share high school tips and experiences with the rising freshman class. The annual event, coordinated by secondary-level Instructional Coaches Marisa Premus (Math), Mark Stanford (Literacy) and Brian Newburger (Science) in collaboration with SOMS administrators and school counselors,  provides eighth-graders with the opportunity to hear directly from recent SOMS students about what to expect when they enter high school.

The visit began with a TZHS faculty presentation that included course advisement information and expectations of high school students, and continued with small group classroom visits where the ninth-grade “ambassadors” covered topics which included the importance of maintaining a healthy school-life balance, weighing the decision on whether to take Honors vs. Regents courses, academic supports available–office hours, Academic Support Center and peer tutoring–for all students and the variety of extracurricular activities available for students to discover and pursue their passions. To get the most from their high school careers, incoming freshmen were counseled to advocate for themselves, take responsibility for their own learning and get involved in the school community.

There is still much more to learn! Students and their families are urged to attend Tappan Zee High School’s Grade 8 Into 9 Orientation this Thursday, January 30, at 7:00PM.

Three ninth-graders speak to a class of eighth-graders at SOMS

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