South Orangetown Middle School

Congratulation to seventh-grader Sarah Kate R., South Orangetown Middle School’s New York Jets Upstander of the Week! Her teachers report that Sarah Kate exemplifies all the qualities of a well-rounded student: “She’s hard working, caring, supportive, and constantly goes above and beyond for her teachers and classmates. It’s with honor that the team nominate her.”

Sarah Kate says that recognizing Upstanders is meaningful for students. “It shows people that there’s kindness in the world, even if there’s violence,” she says. “You have a friend to back you up when you need it.”

In addition to school-wide recognition over the public announcement system, Sarah Kate received a Jets Tackle Bullying t-shirt and three tickets and a parking pass for the November 11 Jets vs. Bills game.

SOMS Upstander Sarah Kate R.

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