Angelique Visits South Africa

Angelique is on a trip of a lifetime. She is in South Africa visiting family and learning all about this beautiful country. She is inspiring us to learn as well.

“Hi everyone! It is Angelique. How are you doing? Here are some pictures of Cape Town, South Africa. Can you guess what the mountain is called? Hint: look at the shape. We went to Robben Island yesterday and learned so much about peace In South Africa. I visited Nelson Mandela’s prison cell too!”

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Let’s learn more about Nelson Mandela too.

Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s greatest leaders, died aged 95 after a long illness. Mandela led South Africa out of the racist system of apartheid, and into democracy, becoming the country’s first black president. In this video you will look back at Nelson Mandela’s life and how he promoted a message of forgiveness and equality.

Read more about Nelson Mandela:

Find a quote by Nelson Mandela.  Comment on this blog with it. Then explain why it is important to you.

And write a note to Angelique.

22 thoughts on “Angelique Visits South Africa

  1. Hi Angelique. How is South Africa? It is such an opportunity to do all the stuff your doing like visiting Nelson Mandela’s prison cell.I looked at some of his quotes. The one that said “a winner is a dreamer who never gives up” popped out to me. I love that one so much because it is true. It takes a lot of practice to win and you cant give up during your practice. That’s a amazing quote.

  2. Hi,Angelique how are doing. Where is the mountain in your pictures I can’t find it?Also how did you get to the island? hope you love it there. I am doing fine we started are pinball games in science.

  3. Hi Angelique! It’s Antonio! Looks like your having an awesome time! I think the mountain in the background looks like a table. I think it’s Table Mountain! I searched it up.
    So cool you went to Nelson Mabdelas prison cell. I found a quote from him that I like . ” it always seems impossible until it is done ”
    I like this quote because it is very true .

  4. Hi Angelique it looks like you are having fun in South Africa . I can’t think of what kind of mountain it is in the photograph . l think that it was so cool that you got to visit Nelson Mandela’s prison cell . I love his quote ”do not judge me by success, judge me by how many times I fell and got backup again” . We should use his quote every day because it teaches us a life lesson and it is very true.

  5. Hi Angelique it is Tyler you look like your having fun.It is cold here .It look warm their. I think the mountain look like a flat surface . It was so cool to go to Nelson Mandela”s prison sell. How did you get in?

  6. Hi Angelique, it’s Aidan I think you are having a lot of fun learning new things. I found a quote that Nelson Mandela once said that i think is inspiring “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and i think the same thing as Antonio thinks about the mountain i think its table mountain well i hope you have a good time in south africa

  7. Hi Angelique. It is Billy. I think you are having an amazing in South Africa. Is your family doing good. I found a quote from Nelson Mandela.” It is Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Was visiting Nelson Mandela prison cell amazing. I hope it was amazing. How did you get in the prison cell?

  8. Hi Angelique. it’s Helena. I hope you’re having a great time in South Africa.I found a quote from Nelson Mandela.Here it is “Difficulties break some men but make others.No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps trying,one armed with hope that he will rise even in the end”.Hows your family doing?And I have a question.How did you get in Nelson Mandelas prison sell?And why does he have a prison sell?See you in January.

  9. Hi Angelique! It’s Charlotte. I hope you are having fun! Is the mountain called “Table Mountain? Table Mountain is a very historic landmark there, like The Statue of Liberty is to New York. My mom works for a company and they travel alot and sometimes to Cape Town. I have heard that when you go to the beach that there is a guy that sits high up on a hill and his job is to look through binoculars for the great white sharks that are in the ocean. If he sees a shark he uses his walkie-talkie to talk to the lifeguards and let them know about the sharks and then they sound a loud blowhorn on the beach so everyone gets out of the water. So are you afraid to swim in the ocean water there because of the sharks? Another cool thing I heard about the beach is that there are all kinds of penguins walking around. Is that very cool and can you walk up to them and pet them?
    It is cool that you were able to visit the prison cell of Nelson Mendela. I can’t believe he was was 60 years old before he went to prison! I read that he became very friendly with one of the prison guards. Did you meet any of the prison guards and I wonder if they were all friendly?
    We miss you in class but are very happy you are having such a great trip. We can’t wait until you come back. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in South Africa!

  10. Hi, Angelique! It’s Ria. How’s South Africa? Looks like it’s you’re having an awesome time! Let me think… What’s that mountain called…? Um…Tabletop Mountain? Anyway, you’re so lucky to be able to go to Nelson Mandela’s prison cell, look at Tabletop Mountain (I think that’s what it’s called!), & go to Robben Island to learn about peace in South Africa. Did you know that one of Nelson Mandela’s famous quotes is, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”? We all miss you a ton. See you in January!

  11. Hi Angelique! It’s Sal, those are cool picture’s! It looks like Its sunny there and warm. Is it hot there? Are you having a good time? I just looked at the picture with your family, that’s a big family, I bet all of you are having fun!
    the Class misses you. I miss you to. Have a GREAT time!!!!

  12. Hi Angelique, it’s Mercedes! Looks like you are having a lot of fun with your family. It is so amazing that you went to see Nelson Mandela’s prison cell. How did you get there? I looked up famous quotes by Nelson Mandela and the one that i really liked is “a dreamer is a winner that never gives up”. I love that one so much because it’s true and something I learned at Tae Kwon Do. I also think the mountain on the picture looks like a table. Can’t wait to hear more about your trip to South Africa!

  13. Hi Angelique. Its Nick. How’s South Africa? Hope your having a great time. Its 16 degrees right now. I think the mountain is called Table Mountain. Must of been very interesting seeing Nelson Mandela’s prison cell. Did you learn a lot about Nelson Mandela’s peace movement when you went to Robben Island? One of Nelson Mandela’s famous quotes was ” Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement. ” Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in South Africa with your family.! See you in January !!

  14. Hi Angelique! Its Jaden, are you having fun? Do you miss coming to school? It looks really fun and sunny where you are. I saw your pictures, you look like your having a good time. Your picture at Nelson Mandela’s cell was cool. Did you get to see any animals like a giraffe or rhino? I heard south Africa has really awesome safaris.That mountain behind you in one of your pictures look as flat as a pancake. Enjoy the rest of your vacation! We’ll see you soon! Have great time!

  15. Hey Angelique, It’s Anna! I miss you, but it looks like your having lots of fun with your family! I thought the mountain looked sort of like a rectangle but it was high up so I thought “A table!”. I looked it up to make sure and there it was “Table Mountain”. Also, did you learn anything about Nelson Mandela while you went to his prison cell? This is one of his quotes ” It always seems impossible until it’s done.”, which it always seems that way to me, but once I accomplishment something I am super happy with myself! Can’t wait to see you so you can tell me more about your trip!

  16. Hi Angelique.It’s Vanessa.I just found this quote “It always seems impossible until it is done” by Nelson Mandela.Also is the mountian called mount table? We miss you.I hope you have fun!

  17. Hi Angelique! Anabel here! I miss you so much! Wish you were here! It’s cool that you could visit Nelson Mandela’s prison cell! My favorite quote of his is this one,”It always seems impossible until it is done.” I love this one because it is so true, because everyone has big dreams and you don’t believe they could come true until they do. Again, miss you a lot,and wish you were here. Can’t wait to here about it!
    Your friend,

  18. Hi Angelique, It’s Gracie! Hope you are having fun in South Africa. It’s so cool that you got to go to Nelson Mandela’s prison cell! How did you get there? I looked at the picture of the mountain, it looks like a table, is it a table mountain? I looked up famous Quotes by Nelson Mandela I liked this one, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” I like this quote because it’s true. I can’t wait to hear more about your trip! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  19. Hi Angelique! Hope you’re having a great time! Is the name of the mountain – table mountain? And why did you want to go to Nelson Mandela’s prison cell? Did you want to see it for fun? Or, was it another reason? I like this quote by Nelson Mandela – “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

  20. Hi Angelique it is Michael. Nelson Mandela has a lesson for everyone. A famous quote from him is, “I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination “This means that he wants everyone to have the same amount of control over South Africa. Hope your having fun and I can’t wait to hear more about your trip.


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