Chapter 4 – Week 9: Accidentals, Key Signatures, F Major

Chapter 4 – Week 9: Accidentals, Key Signatures, F Major

Rhythmic Objectives:

  1. Identify and accurately read tied notes
  2. Accurately read dotted values 

Pitch Objectives:

  1. Identify and properly write accidentals
  2. Identify and properly write major key signatures
  3. Identify and sight-sing in the key of F Major


Checklist Outline

S_Sing Checklist Chapter 4 Week 9

Chapter Notes

Sharps & Flats

Accidentals & Key Signature

Key of F Major

Online Tutorials


Key Signatures pp26_27_29

Key Signatures p37


Sight-Singing Exercises

F Major ScalePitch

Builder 8.2 F Major Chord

Pitch Builder 8.3 F Major

Sight-Singing in Parts in F Major

Pitch Builder 9.5 F Major

F Major in 4_4 Meter

Key of F Review & Practice

Reviewing Tied Notes

Dotted Notes in 4_4 Meter

Dotted Notes in 3_4 Meter

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