Watch this video called My Online Neighborhood. Meet Arms and discover what he likes about the internet, as well as the 3 rules he follows in order to stay safe.
What are those 3 rules to follow?
Now, let’s explore! We can visit far away places that we couldn’t otherwise see without even leaving our school! Let’s go to the zoo!
Questions to think about:
- In the video, Arms says that the internet is kind of like your neighborhood. What are some ways that the internet is
like a neighborhood? - Why is it important to get permission before going on the computer?
- Arms talks to his grandma and his cousins online. Do you ever talk to anyone online? Do you like talking to people you know online?
- At the end of the video, Arms talks about three rules to remember about going online. The first rule is “always ask your
parents first.” What are the other rules?