(845) 680-1301 rnerkizian@socsd.org

Today is Earth Day.  Though we have a responsibility to care for our planet each and every day, Earth Day is an annual event held each year to show support and remind all of us to take care of our home and make it a healthier, cleaner, and safer place to live. 

We have been learning a lot about Earth, its resources, and some of the problems that have been created that can hurt us and other living things.  Through books, discussions, and videos, we have learned about ways that we can make our planet a better, healthier place.  We decorated brown bags with important messages to teach others and spread the word about the "dos and don'ts" and being green.  Today, we also spent an entire hour outside walking around our school community looking for trash.  You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that we found!  (Photos coming soon)

Take a closer look at the recycling process with Waste Management's Mr. Cool Can. This video follows paper, plastic, glass and aluminum through the waste management material recovery facility.

Now play My Garbology.  It is an interactive game that teaches about sorting garbage for recycling, reusing, and composting. Sort garbage into four bins according to where you think each piece of garbage should go. Click the image below.
mygarbage.jjpgHere are a few more videos about Earth Day, recycling and composting.



Post one idea on how you can reuse a water bottle!

Click here for 50 ways that your family can help the planet. What will YOU do?