by Mrs. Nerkizian | Sep 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Each morning, before we start Fundations, we choose a video to get our bodies moving to. It is good exercise and helps us to concentrate and do our best learning. Here are some of our favorites: Here are two more that we use our imaginary beanbags for:...
by Mrs. Nerkizian | Sep 14, 2012 | Uncategorized
Our first full week was a busy one! Routines are falling into place and we are easing our way into the curriculum. We reviewed 16 letters, keywords, and sounds in Fundations and began using our Student Notebooks and dry erase boards to begin...
by Mrs. Nerkizian | Sep 14, 2012 | Uncategorized
Today was our first bus drill of the year. The first grade classes all met in the gym. Mrs. Polansky spoke about our Golden Bus rules and why they are important. Then we went outside on a bus. We were on bus 5. The bus driver went over the...
by Mrs. Nerkizian | Sep 14, 2012 | Uncategorized
Yesterday we went to visit our old friends Charlie, Zelda, and Mrs. O'Donnell in their new classroom. We went there for a puppet show to remind us about being a Charlie Caps class. Mr. Gunther's class was with us. Together, the teachers...
by Mrs. Nerkizian | Sep 12, 2012 | 21st Century Thinking, Collaboration
The children were asked to work together with the other people sitting at their table to stretch their thinking and answer a simple question: What are things that are red? Each of the four tables practiced working collaboratively to choose a recorder (someone...