Last week we read Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes. Chrysanthemum’s mother said about her unique name that, “Her name must be everything she is” and her father thought, “Her name must be absolutely perfect.” And it was. Find out about our names and how/why they came to be.
Hello…my name is Jamie. My mom and dad wanted to name me Grace or Jamie. They let my brother and sister choose.
Hello…my name is Farrah. Farrah means joyful. My mommy picked it out because I brought her joy.
Hello…my name is Robert Lee. I am named after my dad who was named after his dad.
Hello…my name is Brady Michael. Brady is after Tom Brady and Michael is after my poppy. My poppy was very important to me. My mommy chose my name.
Hello…my name is Eden Joyce. I am named after my Nona. Her name is Joyce. My mom loved the name Eden.
Hello…my name is Kyle Brayden. My mom wanted it to be Brayden but my dad liked Kyle better so my first name is Kyle and my second name is Brayden.
Hello…my name is Sofia. I was named after my grandma. My mom chose my name. In Greek, my name means wisdom.
Hello…my name is Michael Thomas. I was named after my dad and my mom’s dad. My mom and dad chose my name.
Hello…my name is Madeline. Mom and Dad did not agree. Mom wanted Madeline. Dad liked Maeve. Aunt Susan and Grandma had a great grandma Madeline.
Hello…my name is Julia. My middle name is Evelia because my great grand aunt’s first name was Eveila, too. The name is special because she looked after my mom.
Hello…my name is Anthony Joseph. I am named after my dad and grandpa. I was the first boy. My mom named me. That’s why my nickname is AJ.
Hello…my name is Kyle (B). I got my name because my mom and dad liked it. My middle name is from my grandpa.
Hello…my name is Tori Rae. Tori means bird. Rae means meadow. (My mom and dad wanted a very special name for me.)
Hello…my name is Holly Elizabeth. My middle name is the same as my grandma Muriel. My daddy had two names to pick from. He picked Holly the second I was born.