Question 4 11/30/2015

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  • #446
    Mrs. Coatti

    If you could be friends with one character in the story, who would it be? Why?


    I would be friends with Mario because down in the subway it gets really lonely and he really doesn’t have a lot of friends because he works in the subway and never has time to make friends, so I would be his friend so he doesn’t need to stay down there all by himself. I also would say it will be all ok if he only sold 2 newspapers and 1 Sundays paper on Sunday. That is why I would be friends with Mario in the story.


    Bella your paragraph is so good I agree I would also pick Mario, I also have some things to add onto it.
    If I could be friends with one person in this story it would be Mario. I would be friends with Mario because he is lonely and doesn’t have a lot of friends.I think that he doesn’t have a lot of friends is because usually on Saturday and Sunday you would be with your friends, not selling papers at the subway. Also because he seems nice, kind and caring, the reason that I think that he is nice, kind and caring is because he wanted to keep a cricket that he found at the subway and begged to keep it. That is why I would be friends with Mario.


    Kailey and Bella yours are amazing and I also agree with you. I would be friends with Mario because he is very lonely and doesn’t have any friends because he never has time because he has to sell newspapers at the subway station. Also Mario sounds very nice and gentle because he kept Cricket as a pet instead of stepping on it and killing it. That is why I would choose Mario to be my friend.


    I also agree with you Kailey
    If I could be friends with someone I would be friends with Mario. one reason I think this is because even though he has never seen a cricket and he just met him he is keeping him as pet and giving him food.If I we’re chester I would want to have a friend who just met me and cares about me and gives me food.That is why I would be friends with Mario.

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