Click here to explore some videos from Discovery Kids- they cover some questions that students often have about astronomy:
Click here to explore some videos from Discovery Kids- they cover some questions that students often have about astronomy:
Go to this address to access the online text and other online assignments through Pearson EasyBridge:
On Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, we’ll be having our first quiz. It will cover the “Nature of Science” topic we have been engaging in.
The best resources to look over will be each student’s “Nature of Science” notes (in the notebook), “Science Checklist” (in the folder), and practice identifying variables (in notebook and handout)
Attached are some ideas of topics and questions the class came up with for our “Technology When you were my age” interview.
Feel free to use some for inspirationTechnology essay ideas-2dqtlp2
Here is a website to help with graphing results from your lab:
We will be working on a virtual lab in class. Student will get a lab sheet in class and explore the lab online at:
(you may have to copy & paste the address into the address bar)
The PowerGrade portal will be updated this week to include all assignments since the progress reports went out (10/10)
In order to properly conduct an experiment, we should make sure that all of the variables are accounted for. Below are links to Quia (a website with interactive quizzes) to practice identifying variables:
We are still in the Scientific Method unit. Students are focusing more on experimental design, identifying and controlling variables as they prepare to both develop and test their own procedures.
We have begun our new unit….Scientific Method. During this unit, students will explore the proper procedure to conduct reliable and valid experiments to answer scientific questions.