General Science

Course Outline and Expectations

Contact information for Mrs. Yip-Chen and Mr. Sarajian:


Curriculum Outline

A. Prologue: Improving science skills including use of scientific

method, experimental design, laboratory safety, calculations,

graphing, and use of scientific equipment for measuring and


B. Weather & Climate

C. Topographic Maps

D. Rocks and Minerals

E. Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes

F. Weathering and Erosion

G. Astronomy/ Chemistry Review

H. Review for Intermediate Level Science Assessment

Bring to class every day:

3 ring binder with subject dividers                   Pencils and a sharpener

Ruler/Graphing Paper                                     Scientific Calculator

Hole Puncher                                                  Colored Pencils/Highlighters

Pens                                                                Folder for handouts

Class Rules:

  1. Safety first!

1a. Be careful and follow directions, especially during labs.

1b. If anything breaks or anyone gets hurt tell the teacher immediately.

  1. Do not interfere with the learning of your classmates.

2a. Listen while others are speaking to the class.

2b. Everyone’s cooperation is necessary for this class to have fun and for us all to learn.

3. The SOMS Student Code of Conduct will be enforced.

Life Rules:

1. Be on time                      2. Be prepared

3. Do your homework         4. Respect each other’s life space

Classroom Procedures:

1. As you enter the classroom pick up any handouts for the day.

2.   Be in your seat at the start of the class period.

3. Copy homework assignments into your planner.


Grading Policy:

Tests/Projects – 50%

Labs/Quizzes – 30%

Homework – 20%

Year’s Average = 4 Quarters Averaged Together

Homework Policy: 

Homework will be assigned regularly.  All homework must be complete on the day it is due.  Homework will be checked regularly.  HW turned in on time = 10 points. Points will be deducted for late HWs. Late homework will NOT be accepted after the unit test and after the first marking period.

Use of the student organizer and parent communication

Students are expected to copy their homework for the week from the weekly outline into their student organizer at the beginning of the week and also record any changes to the assignments made during class for the rest of the week.  Students are also expected to record any missing assignments, test and quiz grades on the appropriate pages of the student organizer.  Sometimes a teacher will write a note in your student’s organizer regarding missing assignments or supplies.  All failed tests must be signed by parent/guardian and returned.

Every parent/guardian of a student in General Science can be added to our weekly email list simply by providing their email address to the teacher or emailing the teacher directly.  Weekly emails include the weekly outline, any changes to the weekly outline, announcements about upcoming tests, quizzes, projects, and special events.  The weekly article and other handouts are also sent whenever possible.  If possible, we would like every parent to be on this email list.

Tests and Quizzes

All tests and quizzes will be sent home when they are returned to students. All tests must be signed by a parent/guardian, regardless of the grade earned. Students are advised to make “corrections” for all missed questions on every test or quiz. The procedure for these corrections is for students to copy down each question they got wrong and the entire correct answer.  If calculations are involved, they are expected to show work.


Since weekly outlines will be provided, students returning from an absence are still required to complete and turn in homework assignments when they return.  Whenever you are absent you must call your homework buddy to find out what work you missed and arrange to copy notes from.  If extra time is needed to complete assignments due to illness or family emergencies, please make arrangements with me.   The day you return to school make sure you have received all the work you missed.  Choose buddies who are responsible and good note takers.  Be wise in your decision.

Leaving Early:

If you must leave class early for any reason (including music lessons) you are responsible for ALL work covered that period. Before you leave make sure you hand in your homework, and receive all class work and homework assignments for that day. You must turn in any work due the next day ON TIME for full credit. Classwork must be made up as soon as possible.

 Weekly Outlines:

Weekly outlines will be posted on my website and Google Classroom each week.  These outlines list homework assignments, projects, upcoming exams, and other important information.  They should be referred to nightly to complete assignments and used to plan ahead so work will be turned in on time!