Mindset Over Matter

Your brain is like a muscle; it should be exercised. Brains can grow, and this takes effort. Watch these videos to learn more. What can you teach others about growing your brain? Post your thoughts on what you learn about developing a Growth Mindset.

Failure is essential to growth; so don’t be afraid to try!

Persistence pays off!

What thoughts do you have about mindsets and persistence?  Log in and click “comment” to share your thoughts.

22 thoughts on “Mindset Over Matter

  1. That dog was optimistic and i love how the dog never gave up no matter how long it took and that it was so smart that it figured a way out . so that dog was the only dog i know that persevered like that!

    • Thanks for your comment Sabrina. Please take care to use uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences and when writing proper nouns. ‘I’ is always capitalized because it’s a name you call yourself. ?

  2. The dog tried his hardest and never gave up! He was determined to get the bone through the door! and he did it!