Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. Now is a perfect opportunity to learn more. Find a fun fact from these links and post a comment. National Parks Services Lady Liberty Info Graphic An Interactive Science Experiment Scholastic Scavenger...
National Origami Week 2021
"Let's get the world to fold! Celebrate origami by spreading the joy of paperfolding during World Origami Days, held each year from October 24–November 11, a 2-1/2 week celebration of the international community of origami!. Help us make origami as visible as...
United Nations Day 2018
October 24th is United Nations Day, which commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Charter in 1945. For over 70 years, the United Nations has been working to maintain international peace and security, promote sustainable development, protect...
Nobel’s Birthday
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to twelve new recipients. They have been awarded for achievements that had a great impact on mankind - 2023 Winners. The Nobel Foundation has an educational games site designed to help you learn about the work of past Nobel...
Pumpkin Season
Pumpkin pies, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin munchkins – Everything is turning up pumpkins. Watch this video from the History Channel – All About the Pumpkin. Watch the video and analyze the image below. Find an interesting new fact and explain why you were...