845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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Peeps Challenge 2024

For many years the Washington Post featured a Peeps contest, in which people from all over created dioramas depicting scenes that reflected the country as they saw it, but populated with marshmallow bunnies and chicks. As of 2017, The Washington Post Magazine shared...

Toy Challenge

It’s the Holiday season and a perfect time to create a toy for someone.  It could be a game for a friend.  Learn to sew and make a stuffed animal for a baby brother or sister.  Paint a hopscotch board for your class for indoor recess.  Carve and paint a wooden...

Turkey Time 2023

Turkeys receiving a presidential pardon date back to the days of Lincoln. According to one story, Lincoln’s son, Tad, begged his father to write a presidential pardon for the bird meant for the family’s Christmas table. Tad argued that the turkey had as much of a...

Box Challenge 2023

The first challenge of the 2023-2024 school year is the “Out of the Box” Challenge! You are encouraged to use problem solving skills and creativity to design and create a unique masterpiece.  Use your imagination to be resourceful and ingenious! In the short film...