Friday, May 19th is Endangered Species Day. There are some amazing animals in this world, but we need to protect them.
Go to this website, endangered or threatened species fact sheet, and find an interesting fact and comment below.
Friday, May 19th is Endangered Species Day. There are some amazing animals in this world, but we need to protect them.
Go to this website, endangered or threatened species fact sheet, and find an interesting fact and comment below.
I just learned that the Roloway monkey is one of the three most endangered monkeys of Ghana on the west coast of Africa. I think that they look a little funny because the have beards and long tails.
I learned that lemmings are the staple diet of arctic foxes.
I did not know that the axolotl and the arctic fox were on the endangered species list. Also I didn’t know that North America had the most endangered species in the world.
dolphins are part of the family of toothed whales including the pilot whale and orca
The chinese and american paddlefish recently went extinct.
Approximately 12,574
tigers are currently kept
in captivity