Wednesday, January 20th is Penguin Awareness Day. Penguin Awareness Day was created to celebrate everybody’s favorite zoo animal! Together, let’s find out more about penguins because penguins can be loved all year long!
Emperor penguin parents overcome starvation, freezing weather, and hungry leopard seals to keep their chicks well fed. Watch the video below.
Emperor penguins spend their entire lives on Antarctic ice and in its waters. They survive—breeding, raising young, and eating—by relying on a number of clever adaptations.
Watch the time lapsed video below of an emperor penguin huddle in Antarctica. The wave is created by the penguins taking small steps as a group. Researchers say the up and down movement of the wave ensure each penguin a turn in the middle of the cluster, which helps the birds keep warm.
Additional Resources:
- Read: Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard Atwater – The Poppers unexpectedly come into possession of a penguin, then get a penguin from the zoo who mates with the first penguin to have 10 baby penguins. Before long, something must be done before they eat the Poppers out of house and home.
- Fun Facts about Penguins – 20 Black & White Facts
- Penguin Awareness Day – Time & Date
- Solve this penguin puzzle. Post your answer to the blog.
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