845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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It is “SNOW” secret, you are unique. Accepting others for who they are and even ourselves for that matter is a great quality.   Watch this video and enjoy its message.

We need to celebrate our uniqueness as well as others.  Consider participating in this year’s Snow-person Challenge. Create a snowman or snow-woman from a recycled bottle. The size and shape of the bottle does not matter.  This will make it more interesting.  Decorate the snowman/woman showing your uniqueness.

Download this ENTRY FORM and complete the following information:
1. Your Name
2. Your Grade
3. Your Teacher’s Name

4. What makes you unique?
5. How does this uniqueness help you?
6. Explain how your snow-person represents your uniqueness.

Third grade entries are due Tuesday, January 20th. All 4th and 5th grade entries are due Wednesday, January 21st.
Have fun sharing you!