845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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 20130311-004352.jpgFor the past seven years, the Washington Post sponsors a contest for its readers. Readers create a diorama of a famous scene in history or in current events. The one rule is that all the characters in the diorama must be played by Peeps. I was amazed by the creativity, and I love Peeps! So of course, I am sponsoring Cottage Lane's first annual Sweet Peeps History Contest.
1. Make your diorama using a shoe box or comparable item of reasonable size.
2. Entries must include a creative title and description. The description should state and explain the event, and include the significance of the event in history.
3. Submissions must include your name, grade, and teacher.
4. Deadline for all entries is Tuesday, March 19th.
5. Have fun!
If you want to be inspired, view winners from the Washington Post.