February 11th is Thomas Edison’s birthday. Edison’s four great inventions, phonograph, motion pictures, power industry/electric light bulb and the invention factory, forever changed the world. His work with electric vehicles and batteries over 100 years ago was inspirational in the re-emergence of electric/hybrid/alternative vehicles today. Creativity and perseverance are two words that will always describe this great inventor.
Even after many failed attempts with his light bulb design, Edison continued on knowing each failure brought him closer to success. Every day we face challenges and problems that we need to overcome. Sometimes we triumph over them despite difficulties. There are other times we just want to avoid or give up. This is when we need to have persistence and determination if we want to stand out or just succeed.
Select one of his famous quotes from the slideshow. Explain why you picked it and how it will motivate you to persevere.
My favorite Edison quote is his response to someone who asked him why he kept trying to create a working light bulb even though his first 10,000 attempts had failed. He said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” I reminds me that each time something does not go the way I want it to, there is something to be learned. That helps me persevere when things don’t go right. It helps me remember to learn rather than grieve or get angry.
My favorite quote is the slide show is “A genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework. I picked it because I learn a lot of things from my homework, and I think that is the meaning of the line. It will motivate me to work hard and try my best.
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and it looks like work.” I chose this quote because it will help me not let a opportunity pass just because it looks like hard work. This quote will help me persevere when I want to do something but it looks so hard. This quote will remind me not to give up on something just because it looks like hard work.
My favorite quote is ” I never did a day’s work in my life, it was all fun.” This quote means that he was having fun while inventing. This reminds me of the “Life is Good” motto, “Do what you like, like what you do.”
“A genius is often merley a talented person who has done all of his or her homework.” That is my favorite Thomas Edison quote. 🙂 That helps me to persevere and to have determination to accomplish anything that is on my mind. It tells me that everyone can be just as talented and smart as Thomas Edison if they are focused and they want to learn. To be a genius you must try to become one and you should try to stay focused in school as a young child to help you as an older adult. Thomas Edison was dedicated and later on became the person and genius he wanted to be 🙂
The qoute on slide 12 makes me think that a man who has a thousand ideas wouldn’t be able to finish all his inventions while a man with one idea will be able to put a lot of work and spirit into that one idea. If the man with a thousand ideas (which can include Leonardo Da Vinci) DOES finish each and every one of his ideas, he might not have put a lot of work in it because who can make a thousand inventions that are as good as the lightbulb all in his whole lifetime?
My favorite quote from Thomas Edison is “A genuis is just a talanted person that does all there homework.” It really inspires me. It tells me that if perserveir and don’t give up on homework you can learn a lot of things. If pay attention to it you can have much succses.
My favorite quote is “I have more respect for the fellow with a single idea who gets there than for the fellow with a thousand ideas who does nothing”. This is my favorite because the fellow with one idea who does something can actually make a difference. The fellow that has a thousand ideas and keeps them all to himself and does nothing, will never make a change in our lives.
My favorite quote by Thomas Edison, like Kavitha, was “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” I thought that this was a really inspiring. It has made me realize that we should not do something because it looks easy and it would be quick to do. We should do it because it looks like a challenge and it is a dream of our’s. So many people think that doing something that looks like a challenge is going to be work. This will motivate me because it shows that I can do something that is a challenge and still have fun with it.
My favorite quote from Thomas Edison is “A genuis is just a talanted person that does all there homework.” This quote inspires me to persever through my homework and get good grades. Also it makes me want to pay more attation in school and make sure i get what the class is working on.
“A genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework.” I like this quote because it shows that talent isn’t just handed to you. You have to practice and work hard. Nothing in life comes easy. Happy Birthday Thomas! 😉
“Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” Thomas is saying that to be successful you must work hard. You must keep trying to accomplish your hopes and dreams. That quote inspires me to stay focused and never give up even if it is hard to do. We all can have great ideas but if you don’t work on them nothing will come of them!