Mrs. Lacker 6th Grade Math and Social Studies

South Orangetown Middle School

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Welcome to SOMS and 6th grade! I am so excited to meet you all, get to know you and start a wonderful new year! We are going to all work together at school and home to make this a successful and fun year for you. Things may be a little bit different, but if we are all patient and supportive of each other, we will get used to things in time!  I am here to help you, to listen, answer questions, get to know you and …oh yes…teach some Math and Social Studies!  When you read your schedules make sure to look at the numbers in the parentheses for odd or even cycle day. For example:  1(1,3,5) 7(2,4,6) Math 6 means you have me for Math on odd days per. 1 but you have me per. 7 for Math on even days. This is important so you know which class you are when you join our Google Classroom where daily Zoom links and work will be found.  I identify your class by ODD day period and a color: 

Per. 1 Odd Math 6 YELLOW CLASS!                      Google class code:   xjiy3cl
Per. 3 ODD days Social Studies BLUE CLASS!   Google class code:    jkz2d4h
Per. 7 ODD days  Math 6  RED CLASS!                  Google class code:   c22wlti
Per. 9 ODD days Math 6   GREEN CLASS!            Google class code: 677ff6r
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