Why are marine fish important? December 17th Homework.

Provide a 5 sentence summary on this prompt. Please provide a source for your information.

1. Describe how one marine fish is in danger in the ocean.  

2. What may happen if half the species of fish in the ocean were wiped

9 thoughts on “Why are marine fish important? December 17th Homework.

  1. 3. It is important to continue to fund and build sustainable fisheries, so that the species of fish would not go exstinct.

    4. My feelings have changed towards buying,eating or swimming in the ocean because learning about all the illegal over fishing and the destruction of fisheries, has made me take a second look at polluting the water and also buying an abundance of fish.

  2. Sea bass are in danger because of overfishing and cliamate change. They are too scarce to be of any impotance in the Gulf. The sea bass are a very valuable food. Also, sea bass are a game fish in more southern waters. The more sea bass the better!

  3. If half othe species of fish in the ocean were wiped out, I think the fish species that are alive in the ocean will loose food. that means they will die out and no fish in the ocean. Fishes live in groups.

  4. Marine fish live in the water regularly regulating the interaction of freshwater and salt water in their bodies. Marine organisms also use their body functions and their developed body parts such as their kydneys to prevent salt water to equalize salt concentrations throughout their membraines by using a process called osmosis which is the process in which molecules pass to a permeable molecule from a less concentrated solution to a less concentrated one to a more concentrated one to equalize concentrations in each side of a membrane. Also, marine fish use their gills to absorve oxygen in water to breathe.

    http://saveourseas.com/threats/overfishing: Source 2

    If half of the pupulation of fish were wiped out it would destroy  marine habitats and half of the earths population would not be able to live because of jeopardy of food due to the lack of fishes that would remain.

  5. Sharks are in danger because of finning and overfishing. Fishers are throwing away the rest of the shark which is wasted because it could feed the hungry. If half of the species of fish were wiped out then it would be a problem. because there are pretators and there are prey. It would be an unblance and we would lose a lot of food for the people

  6. sharks are in danger bacause of finning and overfishing. fishers are throwing away the rest of the shark which is wasted because it could feed the hungry. If half of the species of fish were wiped out then it would be a problem. Because there are pratators and they are pley. If would be an unplace and we would lose a lot of food for the people


  7. Sharks are in danger because they are finned and throw back into the ocean, The rest of the shark is wasted when it could be fed to the world. If half of the species of fish were wiped out then we will have inbalance because there should be pretadors and prey in order to keep the ocean balanced

  8. 1) Sharks because they are being killed for their fins and being left for dead and when they die they cant eat other fish to keep the food chain in tact.

    2) There would be no one to eat other fish and if the fish that ate algae died the algae would grow too big.

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