Have a Purpose
Ask yourself why you are writing. Do you want to describe something to someone? Do you want to express your opinion or convince your reader that something is true? Whatever your purpose is, keep it clearly in your mind as you begin to write.
Have an Audience in Mind
Who do you expect to read what you write? Choose and audience and keep this group of readers in mind as you write your first draft. Knowing who you are writing for helps you decide on the best ways of saying things. In most cases, you will be writing for your classmates or teachers. However, you can pretend that your paper or letter will reach other readers. Maybe it really will!
Brainstorming is a good way to collect ideas for writing. It is an especially useful strategy to use with a partner or with a group of people.
To brainstorm a set of ideas:
- Write your topic on a piece of paper. This might be a word, phrase or a question.
- Think about your topic and write down every idea that comes to mind. Don't evaluate your ideas. (Don't try to decide if the ideas are good or bad, or discuss anything.) Just think and write quickly.
- After brainstorming, reread your list and circle the ideas that interest you.
If you have any questions, please let me know!