Instructional Videos

Making Quality Instructional Videos

4th Grade Sign-up 5th Grade Sign-up

Key Points

bergmann31 “Your Videos are much better than mine, but my kids like mine better.”John Bergmann speaking about a conversation with a colleague
LeonardoDiCaprioNov08 It doesn’t need to be a Hollywood production.Not only are mistakes OK, sometimes they are good!
? Include common misconceptions about your topic.
Research shows that discusses common mistakes that students make during a video, increases the effectiveness of the video.
hourglass Keep it brief. If possible 3 minutes or less is ideal. If you are talking about a complex concept, consider how you might break it into separate chunks.


Sharing in Ensemble

In Ensemble, we have set up specific categories for the Math Videos. This allows multiple people to publish to one library. These libraries then can be used on the grade level across all sites.

