3rd Grade Robotics

3rd Grade Robotics

Welcome to the 3rd grade robotics unit! In this unit, you will have the opportunity to learn about how robots are changing the world in many exciting ways. You will also begin to learn about

how to program robots to carry out tasks autonomously (by themselves). Every robot is slightly different, but if you can learn to program one well, then you can probably program many different

robots. Watch the introduction video below to get started, then carry on to lesson 1.

Lesson 1: How are robots changing the world?
Lesson 2: Parts of the NXT / Basic Operation
Lesson 3: Making a Sound / Displaying Pictures
Lesson 4: Moving Forward and Making Turns
Lesson 5: Program a Square
Lesson 6: Navigate a Maze
Lesson 7: Navigate a Maze 2
Lesson 8: Using Touch Sensors to Navigate
Lesson 9: Using Light Sensors to Navigate
Lesson 10: Using Ultrasonic Sensors to Navigate
Lesson 11: Make Your Own Program
Lesson 12: Reflection