Decomposing Numbers

Here is a great link to be able to understand how to decompose numbers a bit more!!  This is a great video to explain decomposing numbers and what that means

Take a look at this image – look at how you don’t only need to break apart by using place value, you can break apart by what makes the most sense to you!!  Notice how they all equal 43!


Covered Cupboards!

December is the perfect month for family’s to consider helping others in need. For the fourteenth year, William O. Schaefer family’s are given the opportunity to share food with the home bound and elderly residents of South Orangetown by making Covered Cupboards for the Meals on Wheels Program.

Covered Cupboards are simply made by filling shoe boxes with nutritious foods. Do not wrap paper around the lid and box or glue 3-D decorations to lids. Please just loosely tape the lid to the box. Drawings on the lids or covers is welcomed! These Covered Cupboards are delivered to seniors for use when inclement weather prohibits delivery of a hot meal.

Please drop off your Covered Cupboards at William O. Schaefer (WOS), 140 Lester Drive, Tappan, New York. The Executive Director of Meals on Wheels, Jim Burton, will pick up the Covered Cupboards at WOS on Wednesday, December 23rd.

Thank you in advance for giving so generously to the seniors in our community during this winter season.

Please refer to Covered Cupboard Food List to find out all the details, including the suggested food list. Questions can be forwarded to

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Contest - What Are You Thankful For?

Tagxedo - Class Thankful-page-0

Look at all of the great thinks we are thankful for! They range from heartfelt things like LIFE to things we love like Shopkins to important things like FAMILY & FRIENDS!

I am most thankful for you! Thank you for always asking such great questions, being mathematicians, writers, and readers, and working so diligently and so hard each and every day!


Most of all, thank you for being you!  Hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving with their families and friends!!  Enjoy the weekend!!

Happy Veteran’s Day! Let’s go on a Webquest! Take a Virtual Field Trip with me!

Take this virtual field trip to learn even more about Veteran’s Day! There are 5 different options for you to learn some extra information about Veteran’s Day! You get to choose how you want to learn about Veteran’s Day (you can choose as many as you want, all or 1 is fine!). Write down 4 pieces of neat information that you learned, thought about, or can connect to! Look at what I mean with my blog post.

Choice 1: Read this small informational text about Veteran’s Day.
VeteransDayReadingPassage (1)-page-0

VeteransDayReadingPassage (1)

Choice 2: Watch this short tribute to Veteran’s Day.

Choice 3: Look at all of this neat information about Veteran’s Day!

Choice 4: Read this kind poem.

Choice 5: Check out this website.


Here are our photos from the Halloween Parade!! You all looked so AWESOME! if your families have any more photos, please have them email me so I can put all of the great pictures they took of our class on the blog!

Dressed Up and Getting Ready on PhotoPeach

Halloween Parade on PhotoPeach

November: Word of the Month – Responsibility

Responsibility is being accountable for your own actions.

Assembly Read Aloud: What If Everybody Did That? by Ellen Javernick

Additional Suggested Titles:

I Just Forgot by Mercer Mayerimages (4) The Way I Act by Steve Metzgerimages (5) Lucy Goosey Takes Responsibility by Katherine Ciriello Clarkimages (6)
The Worst Day of my Life Ever! by Julia Cook and Kelsey De Weerdimages (7) But It’s Not My Fault by Julia Cookimages (8) I Tell the Truth! by David Parker images (9)

imagesPigsty by Mark Teague

An amiable fantasy on a common theme. When Wendell’s mother takes a look at his messy room, throws up her hands in resignation, and tells him he can live in a pigsty if he wants to, he is delighted. What only he knows is that two pigs have found his room so agreeable that they have moved in. He enjoys playing with them, even though he has to give them his bed and they hog his pillows and blankets. But even Wendell has his limit, and when they chew his baseball cards, he reaches it. His mother hands her son a broom, and in a flash of inspiration he organizes the porkers into a cleaning crew.

images (1)The Paperboy
by Dave Pilky

Early one cold morning a boy and his dog rise to deliver newspapers. In almost reverential silence they eat breakfast, prepare the newspapers, then step out into the chill, leaving sleeping parents and sister inside.

images (2)Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin

Ruthie loves little things–the smaller, the better. When she finds a teeny tiny toy on the school playground, she can hardly believe her luck. There’s just one problem: it belongs to somebody else! Ruthie insists the toy is hers, but deep down, she knows better. How could one little toy turn into such a great big problem?

images (3)The Emperors Egg by Martin Jenkins

Can you imagine spending the winter outdoors in Antarctica without anything to eat? That’s just what the male Emperor penguin does. While his mate is off swimming and catching loads of fish, he stands around in the freezing cold with an egg on his feet for two whole months, keeping it warm and waiting for it to hatch.

Help students make the link between what they do and what happens by pointing out real-life examples. For instance, you could say, “Because you studied hard, you did well on your spelling test” or “Since you jumped in a puddle at recess time, your shoes are soggy” or “Since you got right to work on your writing, your story is done”. You can ask him/her to think of a cause or an effect for certain situations.​