Thanksgiving Paper Bag Challenge – due December 15th!


paperbagBe inspired by the paper bag. Black Friday usually marks the start of holiday shopping. This year many stores are opening on Thursday. Here is an opportunity to “Respect the Turkey,” “Save the Earth” and design a gift by participating in the Paper Bag Challenge. Please visit the WOS Library Media Center website for additional information – The Paper Bag Challenge.


Let’s go Ms. Zatarga’s Class!  Take a look!  Paper Bag Challenge

Here is the form to include in the Paper Bag Challenge to know who your masterpieces belong to: The-Paper-Bag-Challenge-2g8b3uk

Meals on Wheels – Covered Cupboard

Please take a look at the flyer about Meals on Wheels . We have not only learned how families have fun together, but how they help each other to accomplish important jobs or work in their homes. In December, we would like to extend our efforts to include ways families and friends can work together to help their community. All of this work is to support our Character Education Theme in December: GENEROSITY, which means Sharing with Others!


Now it is our chance to donate and give back to he community to the Covered Cupboard Program. Take a look at ways we can help out with just some canned goods and a shoebox through Meals on Wheels


From Ms. Eyer: Thanksgiving Fun


download (12)Thank You Sarah, The Women Who Saved Thanksgiving by Laurie Halse Anderson. Use Sarah’s story as inspiration. Think about things you can urge others to do to make a difference in your communities. Brainstorm a list of ways that you can make the community better. Use the Letter Generator to write a letter urging action, just as Sarah Hale did 140 years ago.

Additional Activity Websites:

  • Thanksgiving Timeline This site provides information about how Thanksgiving has been celebrated through the ages-including President Truman “pardoning a turkey” in 1947 and the Native Americans’ day of mourning in 1970.
  • The First Thanksgiving Use this interactive website to explore what it was like to travel on the Mayflower and live in Plymouth.

What really happened at the First Thanksgiving? Become a history detective and find out! In this fun activity, take on the role of “history detective” to investigate what really happened at the famous 1621 celebration. Along the way, you will see a few primary source documents which include a letter written by an eyewitness to the event, Wampanoag traditions of giving thanks, and a visit to Pilgrim Mary Allerton’s home. As a final activity, you can design and print your own Thanksgiving exhibit panel. Click the image below to launch the activity.

Screenshot 2014-11-23 17.36.10

The Unites States of Thanksgiving is a post from the NY Times that I discovered via the post The Best Sites To Learn & Teach About Thanksgiving. Click through to see 50 Thanksgiving dishes gathered from each of the 50 unique states in the U.S. The cool thing is that it will show you your state first! Which dish will you help prepare for your Thanksgiving day meal?

Partitioning Rectangles, Arrays, Rows and Columns!

Here is an interesting video about partitioning a rectangle into rows.  Remember you have to make the rows and columns equal!



Stretch those minds – let’s think about what we know about rectangles, arrays, and area!  Remember to look at your rows and columns and add up all of your squares – this will help you get ready for some MULTIPLICATION – what!? ALREADY?! 🙂


Take a look under our Read & Write page

As we know Wonderful Writers take the time to do research when they are writing about a nonfiction topic. Once they have their ideas of what they want to write, they then have to go searching online to see what interesting information they can include to engage their readers!

Check out our Nonfiction Research page under READ & WRITE to be able to do some research for our nonfiction topic! 🙂

From Ms. Eyer: Looking at Primary Source Documents

During our library lesson for the next few weeks, we will be learning about a girl named Victoria. We will learn about Victoria by looking at primary source documents. Primary Sources are a first-hand, original account, record, or evidence about a person, place, object, or an event. To learn more about what a primary source is, watch the extranormal video below.

We will be viewing four documents using a three-step process: “Observe, Reflect, Question.”

As we examine the primary source documents we will be searching for clues about the life of Victoria Confino. Let’s begin creating our story!

Flat Surfaces, Edges, and Vertices





Find some objects in your home!! Tell us what shape they are, how many vertices, edges, and faces they have! 🙂

 3D Shapes example



You can watch this video to learn more about flats, edges, and vertices! 🙂


Here is an awesome video explaining vertices, faces, and edges too!

Whoa Technology + Music = AWESOME!

This was such a fun assembly – and the cool part is that we could try to do it on our own using an app called Garage Band! It might not be as great as Brent Daniels since he has been doing this for a while, but I can’t wait to hear what we come up with!

Here is a cool site I was able to find –

Brent Daniels came to WOS – 11-4 on PhotoPeach

From Ms. Eyer: Vettiquette – Showing Thanks for Our Veterans


Thanksgiving is a great time of year to express gratitude. It is important that Americans give thanks for their freedom. The perfect way to do this is by thanking our active troops, our veterans, our heroes. It is important to remind students of the importance of showing gratitude for those who serve.

To honor our service members this Veterans Day, William O. Schaefer Elementary School will have a candy collection for our active troops in Afghanistan. Maureen Kelly from Vetiquette will once again be collecting wrapped Halloween candy for the troops. There is a big red bin in the front hall, across from the security desk, where families can drop off their donations.

If you would like your child to participate, please send in your wrapped candy by Monday, November 10, 2014.

Take a look at the history of the holiday honoring those who fought for America, both living and dead.

Learn how to say thank you to a veteran. I did!