Remembering September 11

It is always a difficult day for many of us. September 11- a day that changed our world. It is especially difficult for us to talk about with young children who were not even born on that fateful day. In our school, to remember Patriot Day, September 11, we gather as a school community and say the Pledge of Allegiance, have a moment of silence and listen to some patriotic songs. We then read the book, September 12; We Knew Everything Would Be Okay with our classes in the classroom.

51QG4Z60YALOn September 11th horrific events occurred, yet through the simple text and vibrant art of first graders, we are reminded that the world continued the next day. On each page, children experience the comforts of ordinary routines, such as their teacher reading books to them, having homework and recess, and knowing that 2 + 2 still equals 4. This is a poignant message of hope that reassures us all that even after bad things happen, tomorrow always brings a new day.

Below is the full text, September 12th: We Knew Everything Would Be All Right read by Jeannine Carr.

We remember all we have lost and the heroes of that day, and we are reminded to live each day to the fullest, and never miss a chance to tell those dearest to us how much we love them.

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