June Character Education- Self Acceptance

The word of the month for June is self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is acceptance of self in spite of deficiencies.
In the video below, Lupita Nyong’o helps Elmo deliver a message to kids about why they should love their skin. This message of self-acceptance and an informative lecture: Our skin protects us, it helps us touch and feel things, and – perhaps most importantly – it allows us to be tickled! “Skin comes in lots of beautiful shades and colors”! It’s important to love the skin you’re in.

Sing along as Will.i.am sings “What I Am” as part of Sesame Street’s 41st season.

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Frog wants to be anything but a slimy, wet frog. A cat, perhaps. Or a rabbit. An owl? But when a hungry wolf arrives—a wolf who HATES eating frogs—our hero decides that maybe being himself isn’t so bad after all.

Make an Origami “Jumping Frog”. Follow the step-by-step instructions.

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