by Mr. Eckert | Jun 25, 2014 | CLE News
Our future engineers completed work on a K’Nex version of the New NY Bridge. Our 8 foot long model of the new bridge, complete with cars, bikes and even a couple of kayaks is on display at the New NY Bridge Outreach Center in Nyack for the next several weeks. : Read More: Cottage Lane Bridge Builders!
by Mr. Eckert | Jun 24, 2014 | CLE News
We would like to share the data from the district community survey given this spring. Thank you to all of the families who took the time to complete the survey. The BLT, our staff and our extended leadership team have all carefully read and analyzed this data. 75: Read More: Community Survey Data
by Mr. Eckert | Jun 24, 2014 | CLE News
The school year is coming to a close. We’d be a miss if we did not send a few “shout outs” to some key people who provided opportunities for our students and staff. Thanks to Coach Dehler and Coach Sutton for two fabulous Field Days. Students not only enjoyed the: Read More: Merci! Grazi! Gracias!
by Mr. Eckert | Jun 24, 2014 | CLE News
Summer vacation begins Friday! It’s just as important to read in the summer time as it is during the school year. To make it a little more fun, we add a dose of silliness! We encourage you to get caught reading in super fun or super silly places. Then take a photo and: Read More: Summer Reading
by Mr. Eckert | Jun 24, 2014 | CLE News
Last year, Cottage Lane celebrated its 60th Birthday! Sixty years ago, Cottage Lane was opened and dedicated by the Board of Education. The plaque outside the music room commemorates this day. It reads: This school is dedicated to the education of our children upon: Read More: Cottage Lane 1953
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