Cottage Lane Elementary School


September is Courage!


Courage is scarlet red.

Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one and/or the ability to find strength in the face of pain or grief.

God Bless America
Hero Chorus

When Welles Crowther was a young boy, his father gave him a red bandanna, which he always carried with him. On September 11, 2001, Welles Remy Crowther saved numerous people from the upper floors of the World Trade Center South Tower. “The Man in the Red Bandanna” recounts and celebrates his heroism on that day. The documentary, The Man in the Red Bandanna by ESPN is for older students. Welles’ story carries an inspirational message of strength, honor and courage. Our book of the month is written and illustrated by the Crothwer’s, The Man in the Red Bandanna.

Courage, a short animation, can help you to find the COURAGE to:

  • Stand up for yourself
  • Stand up for others
  • Make a new friend
  • Try out for a team
  • Develop a skill
  • Audition for a play
  • Speak in front of an audience
  • Ask for help
  • Treat failures as opportunities to grow

Our hallway display will honor people who demonstrated courage.  Write the name of someone you know who displayed courage on you class shield.  All shields will be proudly displayed in the main hallway.  This visual will remind us to find the same courage on a daily basis.





Start With Hello Week: September 24–28, 2018




Remember Mrs. King’s warrior challenge,

“Say hello and be a friend to all!” 

Use the warrior stance to find the courage within yourself.

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