Code of Conduct
Student Expectations
All Cottage Lane students have the right to a safe, respectful environment. We must remember to be kind, respectful, honest and to show empathy for others. We should embrace diversity and not judge others based on their race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation.
Lunchroom Expectations
Walk in the dining hall.
Sit while you eat.
Use indoor voices.
Clean up when you are finished.
Please recycle.
Respect adults in charge.
Bathroom Expectations
Wash your hands before returning to class.
Remember to flush.
Respect others’ privacy.
Respect the physical space, and do not write on the bathroom walls. If you witness this behavior, report it to your teacher.
Hallway Expectations
Walk safely.
Walk on the right side of the hall.
Keep your hands to yourself.
Silently wave and smile to your peers in other classes. Talking in the hallway may disrupt quiet classrooms.
Respect student and teacher work that is displayed on the walls.
Assembly & Performance Expectations
Enter and exit by walking quietly.
Respect the space of others.
Be quiet and still.
Be a respectful and courteous audience member.
Applaud appropriately.
Behavior Toward Others
Treat other students with kindness and fairness.
Be respectful of others’ differences.
Respect the personal space of yourself and others.
Playground Expectations
Play safely.
Be kind and caring to others.
Be a good sport – include others in your play. Congratulate your opponent and give positive feedback.
Listen to the adults, and line up when you hear the signal.
School Bus Expectations
Taking the school bus is a privilege. It is important that all children follow the rules.
Walk onto the bus.
Sit in an empty seat
Buckle your seatbelt and stay seated.
Use a quiet voice.
Be kind and caring to your peers, and keep your hands to yourself.
Respect the bus driver.
Students who have difficulty demonstrating expected bus behavior will receive a written bus report. Three bus conduct reports could result in a loss of bus privileges, as determined by administration.
Bus Misconduct
If we receive a discipline referral form from your child’s bus driver or if your child breaks rules on the bus, one or more of the following consequences will be administered:
Student meeting with an administrator
Bus referral sent home and signed by parent
Parent phone call
Loss of bus privileges for 1-5 days (parent is responsible for providing transportation to and from school)
Suspension from bus for the school year
Consequences are determined by an administrator based on the severity of the infraction. A serious infraction may result in an immediate bus suspension, even on the first referral.
Please discuss appropriate bus conduct with your child and remind them that our buses have both video and audio in the front and rear.
Use of Electronic Devices
All electronic devices (ex. smart phones, ipods, tablets, ipads, etc.) should be turned off and kept in your school bag during the school day, except when used with the teacher’s prior permission and for educational purposes.
Electronic games are not permitted in school.
Please keep all toys and trading cards at home unless prior approval is given by the classroom teacher.
Cottage Lane Range of Consequences
Discipline will be administered as soon as possible and be consistent with the severity of the infraction.
Verbal Warning
Conflict resolution discussion with staff
Student statement form completed by student
Parent notification by staff member
Temporary loss of an activity/privilege/sport
Modified lunch and recess (one day or multiple days)
Classroom removal (Assigned to alternate class)
Conference with Principal (parent notification)
In-school community service
In-school suspension (one or multiple days)
Out of school suspension
Cottage Lane Bullying Prevention Policy
In line with the Dignity for all Students Act (2010) which went into effect on July 1, 2012, bullying, harassment or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated at Cottage Lane. This includes harassment and discrimination based on a person’s race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation. Bullying, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated on school property or at school functions (any school sponsored or PTA event).
In addition, the school will investigate and have the ability to impose consequences for off campus bullying (cyber-bullying), harassment or discrimination that is brought to its attention, particularly if it is disruptive to the school environment or a child’s experience in school.
The Dignity For All Students Act Coordinators at Cottage Lane Elementary School are as follows:
Karen Scarth, Principal
845- 680-1503
Rob Schliessman, Assistant Principal
Jenny Graziano, School Psychologist
Sean Jones, School Psychologist
Stephanie Chahales, School Counselor
Children need your encouragement to follow all of the rules. Understanding and respecting differences and keeping to expectations is a responsibility that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, not just during their time at CLE.
Classroom teachers, assistants or aides will handle these school infractions. Your initial concerns should go through the teacher first. Repeated offenses will be handled by the school administration.
A new state law, The Dignity Act, went into effect on July 1, 2012. The goal of this act builds upon previous legislation, which helps ensure that schools are safe places where all students are free of discrimination and harassment based on their race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex. Incidents that fall into the above categories will be investigated. Students who are involved in behaviors found to be of a discriminatory or harassing nature, or behaviors that are harmful to themselves or others, or threaten the safety of the school environment, will receive more significant consequences.