Math Institute

The last three days of Math Institute are:
Thursday February 28th
Wednesday March 6th
Thursday March 7th


These sessions will go from 3:00-4:00 in Room 180! πŸ™‚

6th Grade Field Trip to Grand Buffet

The next Field Trip for 6th Grade is to the Grand Buffey in Ramsey, New Jersey.
The Permission Slips and $15 for the trip are due on Thursday February 28, 2019.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Field Trip, please feel free to contact me!

If your child has any food allergies, please indicate that on the portion of the Permission Slip that you return to the school!
Thank you!! πŸ™‚


Don’t forget to check out the moon tonight!!

We are going to be able to experience a “Super blood wolf moon” and a lunar eclipse!!!

A super moon is when the moon appears to look much larger and brighter because it is closest to the Earth in its orbit.

A blood moon is when the moon appears to be a reddish/copperish color. This is caused by the bending/refracton of the light in the atmosphere!

A wolf moon is titled for the first full moon in the month of January.

All of these events, including the lunar eclipse, aligned for one night. How COOL!

Be on the look out starting around 9:36PM!


Quarter 2 Extra Credit for Math!

The extra credit assignment will be due on January 24, 2019!
If you have any questions about the expectations or what needs to be done after reading the outline, please let myself or Mrs. Rastelli know! πŸ™‚
(The expectations and the outline for this assignment are glued inside the students’ math notebooks).Β 

Follow these requirements:
1. Use any CLEAN can with a lid.Β  (cans that hold tennis balls, coffee, bread crumbs, oats or the like work well – no glass or sharp edges please)

2. Decorate your can with inspiring words, phrases messages and pictures to help keep you motivated to learn even more!Β  The entire can should be covered.
(Your can will stand the test of time if you cover it with contact paper.)

3. Include the words I β€œCan”… on your can.

4. Include your name Β on your can.

5. Create at least 5 cards for your can.Β  Write the topic on one side & problem you can solve on the other side.

See examples from your teacher & listen during class for more information

New Year: New Year Resolution for Math

Happy New Year!

In math class, we created New Year resolutions specifically for math class. The students picked an aspect of math that they really wanted to work and improve on during the remaining months of 2019! Also, the students developed a plan of action on how they will consistently work to achieve that goal.

This is something that we will re-visit at the beginning of each week in math class.Β  Every Monday the students will jot down a little note on their resolution page to pick a main focus for the week. This point of focus will be something from their plan of action to help them meet their goal!

Everyone is so excited about their resolutions and goals and I cannot wait to see how successful each and every one of them will be!! πŸ™‚


Important Upcoming Dates!

I just wanted to post about the upcoming important dates to remember for 6th grade!

There is a Food Drive that is running through Tuesday, December 18th!Β 

Friday, December 7th: Early Dismissal for all students
Tuesday, December 11th: Math Institute 3-4 PM
Wednesday, December 12th: DARE Graduation at 9AM!!!
Thursday, December 13th: Math Institute 3-4 PM
Friday, December 14th: 6th Grade Field Trip to the Movies
*Lunch will be eaten at the mall in the Food Court. The students may bring a bag lunch or bring money to purchase lunch within the Food Court. If you would like your child to bring a lunch provided from school, please let us know!*
Tuesday, December 18th: STAR LAB for AM Science Classes AND Math Institute
Wednesday, December 19th: STAR LAB for AM Science Classes
Thursday, December 20th: Math Institute

In addition, the National Junior Honor Society will be hosting Spirit Week the week of December 1oth – December 14th.
The schedule follows:
Monday: Sports Day
Tuesday: Pajama Day
Wednesday: Tropical Day
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: Color Day! 6th Grade is GREY!


There are so many fun and exciting events that are taking place within the next few weeks!
If you have any questions regarding any of these events, please feel free to send me an email. Thank you!

6th Grade Movie Field Trip

The 6th Grade is going on a Field Trip to the movies on December 14th.
The permission slip and the $20 fee for the Field Trip is due on Friday, November 9th.

On the day of the Field Trip the students will be eating lunch at the mall.
,All of the students will have the choice to bring lunch from home, receive lunch from school or purchase food from the Food Court with additional money.

As the trip gets closer we will be providing more information to our students regarding lunch.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us. ,

Thank you! πŸ™‚

Yankee Candle Fundraiser

Our Team will be holding a fundraiser with Yankee Candle!

The money raised in this fundraiser will help fund our team’s quarterly incentives and assist in covering the cost of Field Trips that we will take throughout the year.

There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for those students who raise the most money through this fundraiser!

We will be discussing this fundraiser more in depth during class and we will review who the students should be selling to in order to stay safe, as well as the start and end dates and when the deliveries will be made back to SOMS with all of the orders!

πŸ™‚ If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!